Why I Created Be Bold

I have dreamed of being a writer since I was young. Stories have been a large part of my life, from the picture books I carried in my hand all around the house, to the Disney movies that always played on my VHS, to the TV shows that shaped my childhood. Be Bold is a way to share my experiences and stories with readers. The name “Be Bold” is loosely inspired by The Bold Type where the young women of the show take chances and share their stories. Ever since bingeing the show earlier this year, I have had this blog in my mind and decided to just be bold and create it. The focus of this blog is mostly travel stories and tips, book, movie and TV reviews, and fictional short stories.

Sometimes I will talk about other things I love, like plants and food but this is a blog just to share the things on my mind. I hope that you will enjoy my ramblings and find some entertainment within my posts.

So what’s there to know about me? My name is Emily and I’m from Texas. I have a Bachelor’s in English Literature from Baylor University and a Master’s in Creative Writing and Publishing from City, University of London. I had the opportunity to live in London for a year-and-a-half and it was the greatest experience of my life. I got to experience so many amazing things I had always dreamed of, including afternoon tea on the Thames, a midnight solstice play at the Globe, and mulled wine at the Christmas markets. I also explored several European cities, living out many literary dreams. I love to travel and I hope that soon, I can explore somewhere new.

My favorite book is Where Things Come Back by John Corey Whaley, but I also greatly enjoyed The Raven Cycle by Maggie Stiefvater, who I’ve had the pleasure of meeting twice. I keep an entire shelf dedicated to all my favorite books, including works by Neil Gaiman, James Dashner, and Andy Weir, but I also have some lesser known titles such as The Darkangel trilogy and the Starbound trilogy. And as much as I love books, I also love Disney. Fairy tales were a huge part of my childhood and my favorite movie is still Beauty and the Beast. Other movies I love are The Devil Wears Prada, Avatar, and anything Christopher Nolan.

Fantasy has greatly influenced my writing and is the genre I feel most comfortable in but I do like to experiment with other genres and writing styles. I have the first two full manuscripts of a fantasy series completed, with a third in progress. I would love for these to be published one day but until then, I keep editing and perfecting it. My dream is to one day live in either NYC, London, or Paris. I love the feel of big cities with so much diversity, history, and art. And in my wildest dreams, I’d have a lovely little writing retreat in either Triberg, Germany or Tintagel, United Kingdom. But for now, this blog will be my little escape, where I share my experiences and my stories.

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