The Somewhat Peculiar Bucket List

What is the Somewhat Peculiar Bucket List?

It’s exactly what it sounds like; a bucket list that’s only a little peculiar.

When you’re trying to make your own bucket list, do you get stumped? Do you run out of ideas after five or six items? What do you do then?

Your first thought might be to look up bucket list ideas. There are hundreds of thousands of items people have put on their own lists. I’ve seen items such as ‘Get Your Driver’s License,’ or ‘Go Skydiving,’ or ‘Learn to Surf.’ The possibilities are endless but sometimes, it seems like we can’t think of anything else.

I’ve spent my own time going through several of these lists, trying to get ideas to fill my 100 Bucket List Journal. But as I scroll and scroll, I find myself skipping over many ideas. I am not a thrill seeker. I am not daring. I live in a place where a driver’s license is essential to just making it through daily life. I’m terrified of heights and the ocean. So how does one like me create a bucket list?

For me, it’s all about travel. I want to see as much of the world as I possibly can before I die. I think the world is beautiful and I want to experience all it has to offer. I want to see the various cultures that make up the human race. But does having a long list of countries, or cities, or sites make a boring bucket list?

It seems silly to think of a list of famous destinations as boring, but seeing the words “See this,” and “visit that” a hundred times makes it feel dull. So, I tried to make it a little more unique and fun.

Instead of “Go to London,” I wanted to enjoy a proper afternoon tea, and see a play at Shakespeare’s Globe. I don’t just want to visit Japan; I want to become a Geisha for a day. I don’t just want to see Bastille live in concert; I want to see them on Bastille Day.

Find the little things that make your list your own. I started with a list of places I wanted to see and made it more personal. I incorporate my love of literature by searching for the places where my favorite stories were born. I look for fairy tales in the real world by visiting the places of myths and legends. I look to the past to appreciate the present.

In this little series of the Somewhat Peculiar Bucket List, I’ll write about the things I’ve accomplished on my bucket list so far, from the more commonly chosen items, to those more unique to myself. I still haven’t filled out the 100 things I want to do before I die. I’m still discovering more to do and see in the world so I have room to grow my list as I find new wonders. I encourage you to always be ready to check that next box off and start another one.