The Somewhat Peculiar Bucket List #5: Hike the Matterhorn

Okay, I didn’t actually hike the Matterhorn. That would require a lot of training and time. I’m not a mountain climber but I still wanted to get as close to the famous mountaintop as possible. For years, I had gazed at the replica of the Matterhorn and ridden the bobsleds while being chased by a yeti at Disneyland, but I always dreamed of seeing the real thing.

Don’t be fooled. That tiny peak on the left is not the Matterhorn. The real thing is towering over us from behind the thick clouds

My mom also had this at the very top of her bucket list. As a kid, she often when to Disneyland as well and the Matterhorn has long been one of her favorite rides, so when I asked her where she wanted to go on our big trip through Europe to celebrate my graduation, her first answer was the Matterhorn. So, I started planning all around Zermatt.

Zermatt is a small mountain resort town in the south of Switzerland, near the border with Italy. We arrived by train after our day in Verona and though we arrived late, it was easy to get a quick taxi to our hotel and check-in was simple. We stayed at the lovely Le Petit Charme-Inn and our room had an incredible view of the town around us. The mountains around us were filled with trees and the ground with covered in a thick layer of snow. It looked like something from a movie, a perfect little resort that was so different from anywhere I had been. The homes reminded me much of Triberg, Germany but the church spire overlooking the town was like those I saw in Zurich, Switzerland, and the mountains around us reminded me of childhood visits to Big Bear in California.

It felt as if we were in the Black Forest

In all the familiarity was still a sense of wonder and awe at this lovely place. Despite the cold January winter, the city was warm and friendly. While in town, you can do plenty of shopping. Whether you’re looking for sporting goods for your ski trip or need some new clothes or just want to stock up on souvenirs, you can find just about anything. I suggest stopping by a chocolate shop and sampling some amazing Swiss chocolate before you leave.

Who could resist Matterhorn-shaped chocolate?

But the thing you absolutely must do when you’re visiting Zermatt is get your tickets to the Matterhorn Glacier Paradise. As the highest cable car station in Europe, at 3,883 meters, you can see 38 peaks and 14 glaciers. The station is perfect for spending your day, with so many things to do. You can enjoy an informational film at the Cinema Lounge, grab a bite to eat at the restaurant with panoramic windows to view the mountain peaks, and visit the frozen statues at the palace. But the biggest spectacle is the viewing platform. You get to step out into the frigid air for a 360° view. Unfortunately for us, all we saw was a sheet of white. The weather was so bad that we could barely see more than several feet in front of us. I got a few glimpses of the mountainside below us, but that was about it.

I would highly recommend that if you are the sightseeing type, go in the spring or summer to see the iconic peak. The platform has signs telling you which mountain peak you are looking at, so it’s better to go at a time when they are visible. Throughout our entire trip, we never got a clear view of the Matterhorn’s peak. We got a very brief, cloudy glimpse of it for about a minute but that was all. It was a shame that we didn’t get to bask in it, but it was still a dream to be there. We are definitely planning a return to see the mountain and will be spending more time there.

Even if you’re afraid of heights, the Matterhorn Express will safely guide you to Glacier Paradise

After you visit the station, you can enjoy a warm dinner in the town, and I cannot stress enough how integral a fondue dinner is for a Swiss visit. I had fondue for the first time in Zurich so I knew that we would have fondue for our one big meal in Zermatt. We went to Whymper-Stube, a lovely little restaurant with reasonable prices. Our dish came with the standard bread pieces and small potatoes to dip in the cheese, but we also opted for a side of pears. Everyone looks at us funny, but the Gruyere paired perfectly with the fruit. It’s definitely worth trying the various additions to your fondue they offer.

Fondue dinner from Whymper-Stube to warm up after Glacier Paradise

Switzerland is one of the most beautiful countries I’ve had the pleasure of visiting. I’ve only visited Zurich and Zermatt so far, but if you are looking for that lush greenery with picturesque mountains all around you, Switzerland is the place to be. And if you’re a mountain climber, the famous Matterhorn peak should be on your bucket list.